Member, Professional Photographers of America


Winter Wonderland in Texas!

Baby it's cold outside!  

In Central Texas, we don't receive much precipitation in the form of snow - IF we receive any snow at all!  But each and every winter (even though I have a strong dislike for the cold), I am a little sad when I see my Facebook news feed and all my Idaho friends and family are outside playing in the snow and enjoying snow days.  I hope one day that my two little girls will get the chance to experience a snow day, snowball fights, building a snowman, or just running through the snow as it's falling.  This is the very reason that I decided to introduce Winter Wonderland Imagination Sessions!

Winter Wonderland Sessions are extremely limited due to the amount of time that goes into planning and editing each image.  Only four sessions are available during the months of December and January.

Families that took advantage of these sessions enjoyed spending time with their family in a fun, imaginative session.  It is amazing to watch every member of the family get so into the session!  We've created snowball fights, campfires in the snow, dancing in the snow, snuggling loved ones under a blanket, saw reindeer and polar bears!  The sky is the limit with these sessions!  

If you're interested in booking one of these sessions in the future, mark your calendars for next Black Friday, as that is when they will once again be available.  
