Member, Professional Photographers of America


It's almost that time if you have a senior...time for graduation!  I can tell you that this school year has FLOWN by!  Graduation is a few months away and I promise you, it will be here before you know it! 

At Smith Family Photography we can help you with Graduation Cards/Invitations!  Throughout the entire month of March, mention this blog post and you will receive a 10% discount off your card/invitation order...whether we took the photographs or not.

We offer four types of cards/invitations - Slim Line Cards, Foil Pressed Cards, Flat Cards, and Folded Cards.  Each type of card will be customized for your senior and presented to you for approval before ordering.

Slim Line Cards

Slim Line cards are single sided 4x8 cards that are printed either vertically or horizontally on photo paper.  They typically contain 1-3 photos with details about the event.  Slim Line Cards are sold in sets of 25 and envelopes are included. 

4x8 Slim Line Card

4x8 Slim Line Card

Foil Pressed Cards

Foil Pressed Cards are 5x7 cards that are printed on photographic card paper.  The front side has foil lettering available in gold, opal, red, silver, and black.  The back side is blank for you to customize with details of the event.  They are sold in sets of 25 and include envelopes. 

5x7 Foil Pressed Card

5x7 Foil Pressed Card

Flat Cards

Flat cards aresimilar to Foil Pressed Cards with the exception of no foil lettering.  They are two sided and typically include a photo on the front with the details of the event on the back.  They are sold in sets of 25 and include envelopes. 

5x7 Flat Card

5x7 Flat Card

Folded Cards

Folded Cards are the "normal" card with a front cover, back cover, and inside panels.  All four panels (front cover, inside panels, and back cover) can be customized or left blank for you to write your own personal message. 

Contact us today for your customized graduation cards/invitations!  And remember, during the entire month of March you will save 10%!

More Than A Picture...It's Wall ART!

It's more than a picture, it's wall ART!  That sounds fascinating to me, but what does that actually mean?  This topic is going to be a five part series, with each part focusing on a certain product that we are offering our clients.  If you visit the "About Me" page of our website you will find a lot of information about us and our beliefs.  We believe that if you are putting in all this effort for photographs, you want products that are quality - you want products that will last a lifetime. 

We strive to provide you with the service that you and your loved ones deserve. With that being said, typically a great amount of planning and preparation goes into a photography session - everything from deciding on a photographer, choosing coordinating outfits, choosing a location, etc. All of those factors take a great deal of time and energy! We want that time, effort, and energy to shine in your portraits! For that reason we have a large selection of print products to offer you in your personal online gallery - everything from standard professional prints that will last a lifetime to beautiful canvas gallery wraps and vivid metals. The products that we offer are professional quality and will last a lifetime. They will become cherished memories for generations. They will be beautiful pieces of art that are displayed on your walls for years to come.
— Anna Johnson-Smith at Smith Family Photography

Part One - Collages

Collages are a popular item that we began offering last July.  I personally have always loved collages, however I wasn't sure that others shared this same love until one client received her online gallery and adored her family photographs, but asked if I could create a collage for her with certain images.  I told her that I'd love to put something like that together for her and she loved it!  After that I began contemplating the inclusion of collages in each online gallery.  I began planning and finally decided to include at least one pre-made collage in each and every online gallery and provide the option for building a personalized collage if the pre-made ones do not meet your needs and/or wants. 

Since the introduction of collages in the online galleries, nearly every client chooses at least one collage!  They have become THAT popular!  They are a great way to display your favorite photographs on one print.  This makes them a perfect addition to your wall of photographs, as well as a perfect gift for friends and family. 

An example of a customized collage that was ordered as an 11x14 print.

An example of a customized collage that was ordered as an 11x14 print.

Most collages are ordered in print form, however sometimes they are also ordered as a canvas gallery wrap.  I had a client show me a wall display of various canvas gallery wraps to make an art piece for a wall in their home.  She wanted a large canvas gallery wrap, 30x30.  I put together a customized collage that was very similar to what she was looking for with separate canvas gallery wraps. 

An example of a customized collage that was ordered as a 30x30 canvas gallery wrap.

An example of a customized collage that was ordered as a 30x30 canvas gallery wrap.

As you can see, collages are a creative way to display your favorite photographs from your session!  The sky is the limit and I love creating one of a kind pieces of art that are printed at professional printing labs so you know you are receiving a quality product that will last a lifetime plus some. 

In two weeks we will continue this topic with Part Two:  Prints. 

Love Is In the Air!

Valentine's Day is just a few days away!  I am reminded of this fact every single time I walk into a store and my three year old sees cute teddy bears, flowers, candy, and other novelty items.  Love is in the air!

Valentine's Day might not be as significant as a birthday, Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, but nonetheless Valentine's Day is a holiday - a fun holiday.  As with all holidays, there is a history behind the day.  I'll be the first to admit, I don't know much about its history.  To me, Valentine's Day has just been a day to exchange cute cards and fun candies!  If you're interested in learning more about the history, you can find an article here

This year I only have one child that is young enough to exchange Valentine's with her classmates.  This year I decided to make them really personalized! 

The finished Valentine.

The finished Valentine.

My daughter is super excited to hand out her Valentine's tomorrow at the party at school!  We just took a photograph of her sitting and holding her hand up like she was holding a big lollipop.  We then cut a slit at the top of her fist and the bottom of her fist so we could slide the lollipop through her hand to give it the appearance that she was holding the lollipop.

This is the Valentine before the lollipop was added.

This is the Valentine before the lollipop was added.

I have been asked numerous times if we are offering Valentine's Day Sessions this year.  We have decided not to offer them this year and instead offer a FREE Valentine's Day photograph for attendees of the My Little Play Place Valentine's Party on Friday, February 12th from 10am to 2pm.  Come join the fun!  There will be cookie decorating, crafts, coloring, photographs in the kissing booth and plenty of time to PLAY!  More information can be found here. 

Whatever you do to celebrate Valentine's Day, make memories! 

New Product! Custom Mobile Albums!!

We are SO excited about our latest product - Custom Mobile Albums! 

What is a Custom Mobile Album?  Custom Mobile Albums are a unique way to share your favorite photographs with your friends and family in a truly social way!  They are customized digital photo albums that are put together in an app for your mobile device.  

Each order includes a Custom Mobile Album which will include your favorite photographs.  A link will either be sent to your email or to your phone as a text.  You just click the link using your mobile device and the app will be installed on your homescreen so you can easily share your photographs. 

Hunter, a senior from Valley Mills, has his own Custom Mobile Album!

Hunter, a senior from Valley Mills, has his own Custom Mobile Album!

Custom Mobile Albums have many benefits!

*After you place your order, you will receive your Custom Mobile Album within 24 hours.  This gives you quick access to your favorite photos while you are waiting for your prints to arrive!

*Your Custom Mobile Album is at your fingertips - you can download it to your phone, your spouse's phone, your tablet, etc.

*The app will be placed on your homescreen and can even be viewed offline.

*Your OWN photograph will be the app icon!

*You can easily share your favorite images from your photo session with friends and family via text, email, Facebook, AND face to face!

*You will always have our contact information handy and can quickly access that through the links in the app.

*Stay up to date with new offers, discounts, and promotions with automatic updates!

*Earn a FREE session by referring us to your friends and family!

We are looking forward to our clients receiving their Custom Mobile Albums!

Top 5 Reasons To Hire a Birth Photographer

The birth of a baby is truly amazing!  There are so many emotions - nervous, scared, anxious, excited, happy, and overjoyed are just a few that come to mind.  Each doctor's visit means you are one month, week, or day closer to meeting your new baby.  The emotions continue to build.  The big day FINALLY arrives!  Every labor and delivery is different.  Some progress quickly, while others progress slowly...and at any moment things can change.  This is such a big day for your family as a whole!  Your lives will be completely changed forever. 

What will you remember from this day in a year?  5 years?  20 years?


Technology has made it possible for so many of us to own a smartphone with a decent camera built in to it.  This makes is so easy for us to take photos of all sorts of things that happen in our lives each and every day.  What about all the "big" things?  Weddings, senior years, first birthdays, and family photographs?  We usually hire a photographer to photograph those big things in our lives for obvious reasons. 

What's more live changing than a birth of a child?  Looking back on all of the events within my own family, I can say that the birth of my children has been the most life changing event in my life - even more so than marrying my husband!  Our entire family as a whole changed at the moment a new baby entered our lives.  For this reason, I have compiled a list of the Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer.

1.  To document the birth of your child.  This is probably the most obvious reason that anyone would want a camera in the delivery room.  After all, this is the ONLY time this child will be born.  When they ask about the day they were born, what details will you remember?  What would it be like if you could show them what it was like when they were born?  After each birth session, the moms cry when they see the photographs.  The emotions are captured and it truly is amazing to SEE and FEEL the emotions from that day.  Words cannot begin to describe the day.

Dad holding mom's hand, supporting her during the birth of their baby.

Dad holding mom's hand, supporting her during the birth of their baby.

2.  To remember more than bits and pieces.  During the labor and delivery of your child, you are focused on one thing - bringing your baby into this world.  There are so many details that you do not see and comprehend at that moment because of the task at hand.  The look on your husband's face while you are laboring and the look on the face of other family members as they meet the new addition.  You spend the majority of the time in the delivery room in pain and often times your eyes are closed.  How can you possibly notice all the details from the day?

The beautiful baby girl!

The beautiful baby girl!

3.  A professional photographer knows how to get quality photographs.  Delivery rooms have poor lighting that can negatively impact the quality of photographs.  As a professional, I have studied and practiced various conditions with my camera.  I know what settings to use to produce photographs that are of professional quality. 

Proud parents are SO in love with her!

Proud parents are SO in love with her!

4.  Let me take photographs so dad can help you.  You will need your husband's support during the birth of your child.  You will more than likely want his hand to hold and comfort you during the labor process rather than him standing next to you with the camera.  I'm sure dad would rather experience the birth with you rather than trying to figure out the camera settings and checking to make sure that the photograph turned out.  A birth photographer allows dad to be 100% present in the birth of the child.

Precious baby girl holding her daddy's thumb.

Precious baby girl holding her daddy's thumb.

5.  This is an experience for BOTH of you.  Are you going to remember, or even notice, the look on dad's face the first time he sees your baby?  You obviously won't remember the look on your own face since you can't see yourself.  What about the look on dad's face when he holds his child for the very first time?  When you hold your baby for the first time?  Hiring a birth photographer allows you both focus on the entire experience AND have the details documented.  Looking back on those photographs will be priceless!

Mom and daughter bonding.

Mom and daughter bonding.

I have had five children and I never had a photographer in the room.  My oldest child is 17.  I remember very few details other than the "big" ones.  The one memory from that day is a photograph that was taken after our son was born by my mother-in-law.  This photograph was of my husband holding our son for the very first time.  The look on his face, the love in his eyes, cannot be described by words.  My youngest child is 2 and again, I seemed to have only remembered the "big" details.  In just two short years, those tid bits of memories are gone. I'm scared to ask, "What will I remember in the next 10 years?" 

Looking for 2017 Seniors!

Model Call!! 

Smith Family Photography is currently looking for guys and gals that are currently JUNIORS in high school! 


When:  Saturday, February 20th, 2016 around 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Where:  The location has yet to be determined, but it will be in the Mart/Groesbeck area

What Will the Modeling Session Look Like:  All juniors that have secured their spots will meet at the location on February 20th around 4:00pm.  We will take several individual photographs of each junior.  My hopes are that every junior will begin their senior year of high school with some senior portraits and that they will also meet some new friends through this experience.

What Will You Receive:  Each participating junior will receive a FREE modeling session/experience and they will have access to the private online gallery where they will have a credit of $25 to use towards their choice of prints and/or digital images.  If they'd like to purchase more, they may certainly do so, however it is not expected.  Each participant will also receive a coupon for 20% off a FULL senior session - a $30 savings!   

Cost:  Participation in this event is FREE, however we do require a $25 commitment fee to secure your spot.  This fee will be returned to you in the form of a credit to use towards the purchase of prints and/or digital images of your choice in the private online gallery from the session.

How Do You Apply:  If you are interested in applying for this once in a lifetime opportunity, please message me at or contact us through the form on our website.

New Year, New Package!

Last week's blog post mentioned a new package that would be introduced.  The time has come for its arrival!  We are excited to announce our "Watch Me Grow" Package! 

Our "Watch Me Grow" Package is designed to document the first year of your child's life through several photography sessions at different stages in their development.  This package will include five sessions during the first year - maternity, newborn, six month, one year, and cake smash.  Each session will include a product credit that may be used towards prints and/or digital images.  The choice is yours!


The Maternity Session is typically done when momma is at least seven months pregnant.  The session includes a $25 product credit.  We understand that some mothers do not wish to have a maternity session, therefore we are providing the option to exchange the maternity session with a family session. 

The Newborn Session is typically done when the baby is about ten days old.  The session includes a $50 product credit.  This session can be done at your residence if you wish, however we will be limited as to what items we can bring.  Some items such as posing beanbags are rather large and difficult to transport.

The Six Month Session is a fun session!  Babies can typically sit up on their own or with minimal assistance at this stage.  They laugh and smile....a lot!  This is such a fun age!  The session includes a $25 product credit. 

The One Year/Cake Smash Combo Session is so much fun!  We begin by taking photos for the one year portion of the session.  Often times parents change outfits and request a certain theme to match the child's upcoming birthday party. Some parents even request a certain setup for party invitations.  After the one year portion of the session, it is time for CAKE!  We get the setup ready for the cake smash portion of the session while you get your baby ready. The cake smash portion can go very quickly or it can take a long all depends on the child and what they decide to do with all that cake!  After the cake smash portion of the session, we move onto the bath.  After all, do you want your child in the carseat covered in frosting??  This session includes a $40 product credit and a personalized 8x8 storyboard of the cake smash.

After all of the sessions have been completed, you will choose your favorite image from all the sessions.  This image will be given to you as an 11x14 canvas gallery wrap. 


Our normal policy for booking a session requires a 50% deposit with the remaining 50% due anytime before the day of the session.  However, since this package includes so much we are offering a payment plan for those that would like to take advantage of it.  A deposit of $89 will be due at the time of booking, with the remaining amount due divided into 4 equal payments of $89.  Each of these payments will be due at the time of each session. 

We are looking forward to watching your baby grow in front of our camera! 

A Glance at the Past and a Glimpse to the Future

I'm not sure how else to put it.  2015 was AMAZE-ING for Smith Family Photography and I hope it was for you as well!  We made some goals at the beginning of last year and I am excited to report that we have surpassed those goals!  We have you to thank.  Without you that would not have been possible.  We seriously have the best clients EVER! 

We ended 2015 with a few contests.  We had our 2nd Annual Christmas Tree Contest.  Several trees were submitted, but only one could win.  The winning tree was sent to us by Crystal Frank of Fairfield, Texas!


We ended the year with our first ever Year In Review Contest.  We submitted one photograph from every paid session to an album and asked our followers to vote for their favorite.  There were 63 entries, but only one could win.  It was a close contest with winners changing daily.  However, at the end of the contest, Myranda McIntosh from Rosebud, Texas was the winner with 175 votes!


As 2016 begins, we set more goals to continue to provide quality products and service to our clients.  We are currently in the process of gathering studio samples of prints, canvas gallery wraps, metallic prints and cards.  We want you to see and feel the products that we offer in the online gallery.  Another goal that we have is to continue to offer customized collages for our clients. 

Last year a client suggested that we offer collages.  It was an awesome suggestion!  Ever since we began offering collages, they have been a HUGE hit!  Most clients purchase at least one of the collages included within their gallery.  Others choose to order a customized collage.  Collages are a great way to display several photographs in one print.  These were extremely popular during the holiday season for gifts for family members. 

Family Photography Session Collage

Family Photography Session Collage

Here are just a few of the exciting happenings for 2016:

  • We will continue to photograph parties at My Little Play Place in Waco, Texas.  Last October there was a Halloween party.  December was a Christmas party.  The party for January is in the planning stages currently, but last I heard it was going to be a Frozen theme!  I know there will also be a party planned for Fairies and Superheroes!
  • A new "Grow With Me" Package will be introduced.  Details will be coming next week!
  • We will have a week dedicated to high school seniors in the spring!
  • Limited Edition Sessions for the spring...details will be coming in the next month or so.
  • Our very first STYLED shoot will take place this summer!  This one has me SO excited!  The perfect model has already been chosen!  EEK!!!

In short...THANK YOU!  None of this would be possible without each and every one of you.  Stay tuned for exciting happenings!  Happy New Year!!


Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!


Santa Claus is coming to town this weekend!  Santa hopes to see a lot of smiling, happy faces!  Santa will be at the Groesbeck City Park on Saturday, December 12th, from 9:00 am to noon!  For those that can't make it to Groesbeck on Saturday, Santa will make an extra stop in Woodway at Poage Park on Sunday, December 13th, from 9:00am to noon!  Come out to visit him and have a photo taken to support Team McKinzi!  You can read about her story on the Facebook Event Page. 


It's Time for Holiday Cards!

It's December 1st.  Christmas is just around the corner.  Packages will be sent.  Cards will be mailed.  We'd love to help save you money on those holiday cards by offering you 20% savings!  We offer customized holiday cards to meet your expectations.  With four options to choose from, you're sure to find a format that you love.  We offer slim lines, flat cards, folded cards, and foil pressed cards.  Prices start at $30....and you save 20% off that cost simply by saying that you read this blog post.  Contact us for more information!

An example of a Flat Card.

An example of a Flat Card.

An example of a Slim Line card.

An example of a Slim Line card.

You Charge How Much??

The first message I typically receive from inquiring clients is, "How much is a session?"  Every once in awhile I will receive a response saying something like, "That's all I get for that amount of money?"  I completely understand that the way I structure my pricing is not for everyone, however I'd be lying if I told you that those comments don't sting just a bit and I am about to explain why.

There are several photographers in our area - each with their own way of doing business. I can't speak for them in this post, but I can speak about the way I do business and what I do to give you the very best artwork for your walls. 

What do you receive when you book a session with me?  The simple answer, you will receive a completely customized session that has been planned, beginning to end, with your needs in mind.  After the session, I work on each and every image to ensure that they are the best that I can give you.  I want you to have quality artwork on your walls that showcases just how special your family is to you.  I want this artwork to show all the time that you spent preparing for the session.  I want it to show all the time that I spent preparing for your session. 

Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.
— Berenice Abbott

A Glance Into a Session

  • Initial Inquiry.  When you send me your initial inquiry I reply with a response about what you will receive and give you all the pricing information so you can make an informed decision when choosing your photographer.  There is typically anywhere from 10 minutes to an entire day on this phase, it just depends on how many questions are asked and how quickly the client and myself can reply.  Average time spent:  30 minutes
  • Booking.  After the initial inquiry, the client typically decides to book a session.  At this stage, there are several emails that need to be sent to the client.  They will receive a contract, invoices for the session, and an email with even more information and suggestions on preparing for their session.  Average time spent:  30 minutes
  • Planning.   After I have received the contract and deposit for the session I begin planning your session.  We decide on a location and discuss any special requests that you may have.  I get out my notepad and start brainstorming possible poses and arrangements within the group.  I will then take those notes and put the information into a list to take to the session.  I also take note of any props that I will need to bring to the session.  Average time spent:  2 hours
  • Session.  On the day of the session I check to make sure all of my equipment is cleaned, charged, and ready for the session.  I typically travel about 20-40 minutes to each session location and arrive there early so I have time to walk the area and plan some more.  I unpack any props and get them set up so they'll be ready.  I unpack my equipment and make sure my camera settings are set correctly.  When the client arrives the fun begins!  We spend anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour (sometimes 2) taking shots.  After the session, I must pack up my equipment and any props.  When I get to my office I must put them away.  Average time spent:  3 hours
  • Editing.  Each image from the session is gone through one at a time.  I am very selective about which images will make it past this stage.  If they are chosen to be worked on, I comb through the image with a fine tooth comb.  I use Photoshop to correct any issues (this can be anything from trash in the background to acne).  After corrections I move on to enhancing.  I play with the colors and other effects to turn a snapshot into a piece of art.  This is by far the most extensive part of the process.  I spend anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours on a single image!  Average time spent (on a one hour session):  6 hours
  • Presentation.  After all the images are edited and enhanced, they are ready to present to the client.  The images are uploaded into an online gallery where they can be viewed and ordered.  After they are ordered, I place the order with the professional lab and wait patiently for them to arrive.  After arrival, I check each print and make sure that it meets my standards so I can prepare them for shipping.  Average time spent:  3 hours

I spend roughly 15 hours on a single one hour session.

Let's say I take your photographs making minimum wage, $7.25 per hour.  From this one hour session my hourly wages would be around $108.75 - just in time alone. 

Now you might be saying, but that is just time and not an expense.  It is however, time I spend away from my family.  Time with my family doesn't have a price tag necessarily, but it is priceless.  All of the above does not happen without expenses.  I have several subscriptions to programs to make all of the above happen - to provide you with an organized, professional way to receive quality art for your walls that you will be proud of.  I have subscriptions for digital contracts, invoicing, website, editing software, gallery, storage, marketing materials.  I also have to pay taxes and license fees.  I have to buy props from time to time.  I have to pay for fuel to get to and from sessions.  I have to pay for shipping materials and costs.  I have to buy new and/or upgrade equipment as needed.  

Ask Yourself...

Before you decide on a photographer, ask yourself a few questions.

  • Is this photographer licensed?  Is this photographer viewed by the State as a professional?
  • Do I want quantity or do I want quality?  Do you want 80 snapshots or do you want 15 pieces of wall art?
  • Do I like this photographer's editing style?  Are they consistent?
  • What terms and conditions does the photographer have?  What is expected of you?  Of the photographer? 
  • How does the photographer archive my images? 

I give everything I have to my clients from the time they send me the initial inquiry to the end of time.  I strive to make sure you have the best possible experience and that your images are safely stored for the years to come.  Make sure you choose the right photographer for your needs and can give you what you and your family deserve.  As with most things in life, you get what you pay for.  Photography isn't any different.

The best images are the ones that retain their strength and impact over the years, regardless of the number of times they are viewed.
— Anne Geddes

The Battle of Prints vs. Digitals

What's better...printed photographs or high resolution digitals?  Well, that all depends.  As a mom, I like to receive high quality prints from a photographer, but I also want access to the high resolution files for a backup.  I know I will more than likely never even access the files, but I just feel some sort of security knowing that I have another copy that I can access IF (big IF) something happens to that print and I need another one.  My fear is just that...a fear.  Chances are if I am hiring a professional photographer, my high resolution files are securely stored and backed up multiple times in a variety of ways.  So IF something ever happened to the original print, I could go back to my photographer and ask her for another print.


In June of this year, I recently made the move to offering prints.  I still offer high resolution digitals as an option.  I try my best to meet a variety of needs and I realize that some clients prefer a disc.  What I have noticed however by making this move is that more clients actually choose prints over digitals.  This makes me very happy!  Why you might ask?  Well, if I print your portraits at a professional lab I know that you are receiving high quality prints that will last a lifetime.  I know the colors will be true and accurate.  I know the cropping will be what I composed.  I just have control over knowing that you are receiving exactly what I created for you.  I spend anywhere between 15 minutes to 2 hours on EACH image that I present to you in your gallery.  I want that same quality to show in your prints. 


Before June I only offered high resolution digitals on a disc.  This caused a great deal of headache for me as a photographer because clients would complain about the colors not looking accurate.  Some local chain stores use printers that give a yellow tint to the images.  Others give a blue tint.  And others are green.  Then there is the quality of paper that is used by these chains.  Some use a high quality paper, while others use flimsy photo paper.  I haven't even mentioned the issue of poor cropping! 

I sent the same high resolution file to 4 different companies for my own "test" before I began offering prints to see for myself if there were really any noticeable differences. I can honestly say....YES!  There are very noticeable differences!  I sent the file to the professional lab that I use, WalMart, Walgreens, and CVS.  I looked for colors and tones and paper quality. 

  • Professional Lab - The colors were accurate and true.  The paper quality was high and was printed using a matte finish.  It was not flimsy.
  • WalMart - The colors were a little on the yellow side, but honestly not too bad.  The paper quality was alright and was printed using a matte finish.
  • Walgreens - These were by far the worst!  The colors were very blue and cold feeling.  The paper quality was flimsy and it was printed with a glossy finish.  There were white rectangles around the entire image because the crop did not match up to their machines.  I would have been very upset if I received photographs that looked like this!
  • CVS - The colors were very saturated and looked green.  The paper quality was the worst.  It was very flimsy and had a bad glossy finish. 

The results were clear and in front of my face.  If you are interested in seeing them, just let me know and at our session I will make sure that I bring them for you to see.  The issue arises because these chain stores might not calibrate their machines as often as a professional lab does which can really affect the colors.  I might order my prints from WalMart today and go back one week later and they could possibly look different based on their calibration.  I know that the prints I order from the professional lab will always be correct.  Printing photos is their business.  They do not sell medicine or milk...just printed photographs and wall art.  I want you to have consistent prints, time after time.


There is yet another issue with discs and/or digital files - one that is not widely discussed.  Recently, Internet pioneer, Vint Cerf, warned about a digital "dark age."  He claims that we will lose a vast amount of our digital information, including important photographs. 

We think about digitizing things because we think we will preserve them, but what we don’t understand is that unless we take other steps, those digital versions may not be any better, and may even be worse, than the artifacts that we digitized.

He also explains how technology changes very rapidly over time and at some point, discs will not be able to be read by our current machines.  This makes sense.  Just think about floppy discs!  I recently read about a woman that could no longer access her parents wedding photographs because they were on a floppy disc.  How sad is that?  He also explains about "data rot."  Data rot is when digital material decays over time on a drive, disc, or usb.  A better option available right now for saving digital files is by using a Cloud service.  However, Cloud services are expensive and there is no guarantee that the Cloud service you choose will be around in the coming years.  You can read more about data rot here. 

One of the best options you may have right now for ensuring the long term survival of important photos is to print them out physically (with materials designed for longevity) and to keep the prints in a safe place.

At Smith Family Photography we back up all our digital files - your precious portraits - a minimum of 3 times with various methods.  Yes, this is very costly.  However, if you are going to trust me with your precious photographs, you need to trust that I will have a copy of them for the years to come. 


Tips for a Successful Session

Smith Family Photography developed from a need that I had as a mother.  We have a "his-mine-ours" type of family, which consists of nine children.  Family photograph sessions with a family that size are typically very expensive and stressful.  Kids do not want to cooperate.  They fight.  They argue.  They give goofy faces.  They are KIDS!  Although they are kids, photographers have a set amount of time they can spend at each session, which just adds to the stress. 

My country girls.

My country girls.

As a mother, I hated photography sessions and the majority of the time I was less than impressed with the results.  I wanted to provide an affordable photography service specifically for families.  I strive to provide a relaxed atmosphere for the session and understand kids are kids.  A little bit of patience goes a long way with them, as I found out during my time as an elementary teacher. 

When you book a session with us, you will more than likely get to meet members of my family.  After all, Smith Family Photography is a family company and we all work together to provide a service to our clients.

I am constantly researching various areas of photography and currently I have been doing a TON of research on helping my clients prepare for their upcoming session.  I have heard many clients tell me that they want to have a family session, but they don't think their kids will cooperate and it will just be stressful.  I can honestly say that was me a few years ago! 

I recently stumbled upon an article titled, 101 Family Picture Tips and Ideas by  This artcle is FANTASTIC!!  They discuss so much more than getting kids to cooperate! 

1.  Printable Planner.  The site has a printable planner that you can use to help organize all the session during the planning stage.  You can access it here. 

2.  Choosing a Photographer.  I would love to work with you and your family, however I do realize that for whatever reason we might not be able to do so.  In such an instance, I can give you some referrals for other photographers in the area that might meet your needs. 

3.  Choosing a Location.  After you have chosen a photographer, you can nail down your location.  This is typically done at the same time as actually hiring a photographer.  You might have a specific location in mind, but if you need assistance in choosing a location I am happy to do so and provide you with example portraits from those locations.  I have several "favorite" locations that I like to use in Limestone County and Waco.  One of my favorite locations is at a private family ranch.  No other photographers have access to this location which includes a covered bridge!

Rustic exclusive location with a covered bridge.

Rustic exclusive location with a covered bridge.

4. use or not to use.  For family sessions I like to keep props to a minimum if they are used at all.  I don't want the props to distract from the family.  With seniors on the other hand, they typically need some props to personalize their session.  The same can be said for small children.  They need things to keep their interest.  I like to talk with the client and determine what type of images they'd like to have hanging on their wall and go from there when deciding whether or not to use props.

5.  Poses.  After the session is booked, I will begin planning the session.  This includes possible poses.  I will actually make a list of poses that I'd love to use for your family.  Each list is unique in that no two lists are ever the same.  I want your session to be just as unique as your family is - no two families are the exact same so why should their photos look the same?

6.  Clothes - What should we wear?  Last week's blog was all about what to wear.  You can read it here.

7.  How to Look Good in Front of the Camera.  There are several stances you can do to make yourself look more flattering in front of the camera.  Most things are simple, quick adjustments to your position, posture, and stance. 

8.  Getting Your Kids to Cooperate.  Rewards, bribes, peek-a-boo, singing, magic words, etc...nothing it seems is off limits when it comes to finding ways to get kids to cooperate.  What I have found is that they need time away from the camera every now and then.  They need to play and have fun!

Even when kids are taking a break, you can get authentic photographs of them!

Even when kids are taking a break, you can get authentic photographs of them!

9.  Getting Your Husband to Cooperate.  Bribes, rewards, compromises...they all work with husbands too!  Include your husband in the planning.  Chances are he won't want to help plan for the session, but at least you are doing your best to include him and make him a part of the session.  No one likes being told what to wear, how to stand, where to sit.  Give him some ownership in the session.

10.  Ordering Your Portraits.  Yes, ordering your portraits in printed form.  After all, you want nice photographs to display proudly on your walls and to give family members prints for their walls.  I recently began to offer prints rather than a disc and the main reason for doing so is that a disc so many times gets shoved in some random drawer and the portraits are as good as gone.  You went through all that hassle to plan a session, get everyone's outfits to coordinate, spend a lot of time on location with a photographer, and you want a disc??  Or would you rather have nice, professional quality prints that will arrive ready to be displayed on your walls?  Every session with me includes an online gallery that makes ordering prints (and digitals if you wish) extremely easy from the comfort of your home. 

11.  Displaying Your Portraits.  Looking for unique ways to display your beautiful, professional quality prints?  This article has several examples that are unique!  When I work on your portraits in post production, I have this very thing in mind.  I want all of your portraits to look uniform so that they can proudly be displayed by themselves or together in a large group.  I view the portraits that I work on as a work of art that should be displayed on your walls for years to come.

The article also includes a few extra tips that don't really fit into any of the above categories.  You can read the full article here.  If you are interested in booking a session, please don't hesitate to contact me.  Now is the perfect time of year with the holidays quickly approaching. 


What Should I Wear??

What should we wear to our upcoming session? 

This is a question that I hear from just about every client.  It is a great question!  Most people don't have portrait sessions that often so when they do decide to have their portraits taken, they want to look their very best.  After all, the portraits from their session will be displayed and shared until they decide to have portraits taken again.  That could be a year or that could be several years. Either way, you want them to look nice.

I recently found an article that provided several tips for choosing the perfect outfits for your portrait session:

1.  Coordinate; don't match.  For some reason, even I'm guilty of this, everyone in the session feels the need to match and wear the same colored shirt with the same colored jeans.  However, portraits tend to be much more interesting when everyone's colors coordinate rather than match.   Shopping for clothes for your portrait session can be simplified by shopping for collections, which tend to consist of coordinating colors. 

One of my favorite "go to guides" when trying to decide what to wear for an upcoming session.  Originally found on

One of my favorite "go to guides" when trying to decide what to wear for an upcoming session.  Originally found on

2.  Choose colors that will coordinate with your home's décor.  The portraits from your session will be displayed on the walls of your home.  Those colors should "go with" the décor in your home.

3.  Accessorize!  Use various accessories to add texture to your portraits.  Scarves, hats, necklaces, bracelets, etc - all those extra accessories can help add some flare to your portraits.  You never know, they could also come in handy for some of the shots!  Perhaps a child could hide behind a hat or mom could pull on dad's tie.  Accessories are a fun way to add a bit more originality into your portraits.

The Harrison Family is coordinating, not matching.  Mom has a nice colored scarf as an accessory, which adds texture and interest to the portrait, as well as provides a feeling of warmth.

The Harrison Family is coordinating, not matching.  Mom has a nice colored scarf as an accessory, which adds texture and interest to the portrait, as well as provides a feeling of warmth.

4.  Watch out for patterns.  This does NOT mean completely avoid patterns.  It just means that certain patterns clash with other patterns.  Certain patterns are unflattering.  Patterns have the ability to pull all the color schemes together, however they can also be distracting if they are not used carefully.

Every member of the Breton Family is wearing clothes with a pattern.  Notice how the patterns all consist of the same coordinating colors and all the guys' shirts have a subtle pattern to help showcase mom's pattern.  This is an example of…

Every member of the Breton Family is wearing clothes with a pattern.  Notice how the patterns all consist of the same coordinating colors and all the guys' shirts have a subtle pattern to help showcase mom's pattern.  This is an example of patterns working well together.

5.  Plan ahead.  If you're family is anything like mine, when you book a portrait session you start thinking about clothing choices and try to work with what your family already has in their closets.  Consider the following scenarios.  You might think Suzie's dress will fit because the tag says it is a size 10, but on the day of the session Suzie is unable to zip up the dress.  It is just way too small.  Tommy's shirt coordinated with Suzie's dress, but Tommy decided to wear that shirt when he went to the movies with his friends last weekend and it never made it to the washing machine.  Now what?  What will Suzie and Tommy wear?  What will the entire family wear?  The session is in a few hours and there's no time to go shopping!  Plan ahead!  Check to make sure all clothes are clean and fit nicely soon after booking your session so you have time to find other options if you need to do so.

6.  Characters are cute...just not in portraits.  Jimmy LOVES Buzz Light Year!  His Buzz shirt is his absolute favorite!  While it is cute and shows his personality, do you really want Buzz Light Year staring at you every time you look at your portraits?  Just like patterns, characters can be distracting in a portrait.

7.  Consider your background.  When choosing coordinating colors for your portrait session, consider the background at the location.  If it is a very green area and full of trees and shrubs, dark greens are probably not the best choice since dark green will blend into the background.  You don't want to blend in with the background.  You need to stand out from the background.

8.  Timeless.  These portraits will be displayed on your walls for years to come and even when they are replaced, they will be stored for others to see in the future as a keepsake.  Make simple, yet classic, clothing choices that will give your portraits a timeless feel. 

You can read more about these tips at Click it Up a Notch by Courney Slazinik.  This article even has inspiration boards for each month with examples of what to wear for your upcoming portrait session.


Halloween/Fall Mini-Session Success!

The weekend of October 17th and 18th was a FABULOUS weekend for Smith Family Photography's Halloween/Fall Mini-Sessions!  The weather was nice and dry...and warm and sunny.  By all accounts it was a perfect weekend for the sessions! 

The sessions on Saturday were held in Groesbeck at Old Fort Parker.  We only had three available time slots for this location and they filled up quickly!  I was SO incredibly happy when the Wier Family booked the first time slot!  Last Halloween was the first time I met them at our very first Halloween Mini-Session.  They kiddos have grown a lot!  It really is amazing to watch them grow in front of the camera and know that I am helping their family capture their memories. 

Princess Anna and the Gnome, 2015

Princess Anna and the Gnome, 2015

The difference a year makes!  Here is one of their Halloween/Fall Mini-Session images from last year.

Wier Family, 2014

Wier Family, 2014

It's always so much fun spending time with these cuties!  They have so much personality and we all feel so comfortable around each other, which really makes the photographs just that much better because they are genuine.  With Kayson walking this year, we were definitely moving around much more trying to keep up with him!  These siblings have so much love for one another :)

Sibling Love!  Isn't this the sweetest??

Sibling Love!  Isn't this the sweetest??

Another family I have had the pleasure of watching grow in front of my camera is the Craven Family.  They were also clients from the first Halloween/Fall Mini-Session last year.  They are also becoming more and more comfortable each time we have a session.  This year, the youngest three participated in the session.  The older ones all had somewhere else to older kiddos typically do. 

The three youngest Craven children...all smiles this year, 2015

The three youngest Craven children...all smiles this year, 2015

Miss Emma really came out of her shell for this year's session!  She was ALL smiles!  Last year she absolutely refused to be in the group photo with her brothers.

The Craven Clan (minus Emma), 2014

The Craven Clan (minus Emma), 2014

We have recently started adding collages into galleries due to the amount of clients that have been requesting them.  Collages are a great way to showcase your favorite photographs from the session in one frame! 

A collage for the Craven Family

A collage for the Craven Family

We had one more client for the Halloween/Fall Mini-Sessions in Groesbeck, Miss Dixie...I mean, Wolfie.  This young lady is very energetic, spunky, and full of personality all the way down to her toes!  She would howl like Wolfie one minute and then want to show me how fast her horse could run the next! 

Dixie was in character as Wolfie...and howled!

Dixie was in character as Wolfie...and howled!

As we ran from area to area, posing in various positions and acting the part of many different things, her mom stated that she would like one nice photograph with her daughter.  They got into position for the one photograph that mom requested and then this happened....

Dixie gave her mom a surprise when she asked for one nice photograph!

Dixie gave her mom a surprise when she asked for one nice photograph!

Mom finally got all she nice photograph!

Mom finally got all she nice photograph!

The last session on the Halloween/Fall Mini-Session weekend was held at Hewitt Park with the Senn Family.  They had to have an early time due to some obligations at church that morning.  I was honestly a bit worried when I was driving to the location because the sun really wasn't in the position that I hoped it would be for the session.  I arrived and began setting up.  As I was getting everything set up, I stood back and watched the sunrise.  I realized at that moment that this session was going to be amazing!  The light was going to be absolutely beautiful!  I was even more blown away when I began working with the family and realized how cooperative all of them were...even the three young children! 

Look at that light...and those cooperative kids!

Look at that light...and those cooperative kids!

This session went so smoothly from beginning to end!  The kids cooperated so well and much to my surprise, one of the first photographs that we captured had every single member of the family looking at the camera with a happy face!  Absolutely stunning! 

For their session I decided to make them a fun collage which would showcase each of the children with a family photograph.  Again, collages are great to showcase favorites in one frame.  I personally love them! 

Senn Family Collage

Senn Family Collage

We have recently started creating one or two collages per gallery.  However, beginning today you will now be able to customize your own collage within the gallery by choosing the photos you'd like!  You will simply choose the number of images you'd like on your collage and then you will choose the photos.  I will arrange them in a collage and email you the "proof" for your approval prior to ordering from the professional lab.  If you have a different size in mind, or a different amount of photographs, just let me know and I will do my best to build a product that you would like.

Cute Kid Halloween Costume Contest!

Halloween is my absolute FAVORITE holiday! It's the perfect time for a CUTE KID HALLOWEEN CONTEST!


Do you have a cute kid that rocked a Halloween costume in the past? If so, send me the photo between today (October 19th) and next Sunday (October 25th). On Monday, October 26th I will upload all the CUTE KIDS into a contest album for voting. Voting will take place from October 26th through midnight on Halloween. The CUTE KID with the most votes will win an 8x10 photo frame and 50% off any session of their choice (except events and weddings)!

What are you waiting for?? Send those CUTE KID HALLOWEEN photos my way!

You can email them to me at:  or send them to me via Facebook at:

Mighty Mart Panthers - Times Two

The 2015-2016 school year is well underway and many seniors are now scheduling their fall senior portrait sessions.  Some seniors choose to wait until the spring season for their senior portraits.  Others prefer to have senior portraits taken year round.  This week's blog post is going to be all about two Mart seniors - Eric and Alyssa - that decided to have their senior portraits taken in the fall.

There's no buts about it...Mart is a HUGE football town!  Every Friday night during football season the town is literally dead.  Why?  Because everyone is either at the game or at home listening to the game.  Mart is serious about football.  This coming Friday is going to be especially eventful due to all the Homecoming festivities.  This Friday - Homecoming - is going to be a great day to be a Panther!

Meet Eric.  He is one of the football players that will entertain the crowd on Friday night.  He is a handsome young man with a bright future ahead of him.  He isn't quite sure where he is headed after high school just yet.  There are just so many things to consider.  After all, what's the rush?  He still has several months to narrow down his amazing plans.  One thing is for certain, he LOVES football!  He LOVES being a Panther!

Meet Eric.

Meet Eric.

Eric is always ready for gameday!

Eric is always ready for gameday!

Senior Portrait sessions with Smith Family Photography are fully customizable based on the specific memories that the senior would like to help capture.  For Eric, this meant the Mart Football Field.  For his mother, this meant the Mart Football Field and the grassy field behind the stadium to showcase his "country" side.  Many guys don't really care for the photographs to be taken.  They do it for their moms.  During Eric's session, he put his foot down and said he was staying on the football field - no grassy field photographs!  THAT is how much Eric loves football! 

I recently stated that I truly enjoy senior portrait sessions for several reasons, but most of all I enjoy interacting with the young adults and capturing their personality within the portraits.  As the session proceeds along, they start opening up more and more and finally they just seem to forget about the camera and just be themselves.  To me, that is when I capture the best portraits!  Things weren't any different with Eric.  At first, he was very attentive to what I was asking of him.  As the session progressed, he would wonder off to play football with his little brother, Alan.  He was relaxed and completely in his element.  He is a Mart Panther. 


Let's take a look at another Mart senior.  Meet Alyssa.  She is one of the Mart cheerleaders that will entertain the crowd on Friday night.  She is an amazingly beautiful young woman with the whole world ahead of her!  She plans on heading off to college at either Baylor University or the University of Mary Hardin Baylor.  She plans on trying out for the cheer squad at both universities.  Alyssa LOVES cheerleading!  She LOVES being a Panther!

Meet Alyssa

Meet Alyssa

This year's Homecoming game is especially exciting for Alyssa!  She is nominated for the Homecoming Court!  I will be at the Homecoming game this Friday night to cheer on Eric and the Mart Panthers, as well as support Alyssa...and capture a few shots of her looking dazzling in her gown!


Young women are typically less reserved in front of the camera than young men are.  They just seem to be more comfortable with having their photograph taken.  As their session progresses, their personalities shine through just the same.  However, with girls it seems to happen much quicker.  I think we have the era of new technology to thank - cell phones with nice cameras and selfies! 


As Alyssa's session was nearing the end, she had a few requests.  One, she loved sweaters so she wanted to wear one during some of the shots.  Two, she wanted to take some photographs on the tire swing.  And three, she had to take a special photograph for her close friend, Sadie.  I absolutely LOVE it when the clients begin to take ownership in their photographs! 

Alyssa with her sweater.  She loves sweaters!

Alyssa with her sweater.  She loves sweaters!

Alyssa swinging on the tire swing!

Alyssa swinging on the tire swing!

Alyssa striking a pose for her close friend, Sadie.

Alyssa striking a pose for her close friend, Sadie.

Senior Portrait sessions are fully customizable based on the needs and wants of the senior.  After a session is officially booked, we begin collaborating on everything from locations, clothing, poses, themes, etc.  Senior sessions need to be authentic and really showcase the individual.  That is why it is so important that we work together to build a session that will let them shine and give them memories to last a lifetime.

If you are interested in booking a Senior Portrait session, you can message me or give me a call and I will give you more information.  Until next time, head over to Mart, Texas this Friday night (or any Friday night) and watch a football game!  It is an experience of a lifetime!

Advice for New Parents - What I Wish I Could Say to My Expecting Clients

Let me begin by saying that I LOVE maternity photo sessions!  There is an unexplainable energy that gives you a certain "high" to be around.  The mom is glowing.  The dad is so proud.  They are both so excited, maybe a little scared, but definitely looking forward to the unknown.  There is so much love surrounding these two people and the little baby that they created through that love.

With that being said, I always wonder to myself, "I wonder if this beautiful couple is ready for reality?"  The reality that everything is not as cute and cuddly as we often perceive it to be.  That got me thinking about this blog post - advice for new parents that I wish I could tell them.


As I began working through Trevor and Jezebel's images from their maternity session, I could hear my small children in the background and I thought to myself, "Kids, just give me a few more minutes..."  Thoughts like this prompted me to look up some one line pieces of advice for new parents and I stumbled upon an article that had some great - and extremely accurate - pieces of advice that I'd like to share. 

Here are some of my favorites:

1. When people ask if your child sleeps through the night, just lie and say yes. It helps you avoid all that sleep advice. -Nancy

SO TRUE!  I wish I would have known about this "trick" before I had children! 

2. It’s okay to mourn your old life and think, “Dear God what have we done!” -Lindsey

Again, SO TRUE!  I have thought this several times, although I have never vocalized it until now.  There are times that I miss it just being in the bed by myself...without kids.  I miss laying in the bed, snuggled up under the covers, eating all the chocolate my stomach could handle, and watching movies.  Those quiet times are gone for now...not gone forever however.  I love having kids crawl into the bed with me, but there are times I think I'd love to watch a movie without interruptions a little bit more.  Which leads me to number three.

3. You’re not a bad mom if you don’t love every single stage of child-rearing. -Susan

There are parts of raising children that I do not enjoy.  Potty training is a PERFECT example!  And in the middle of the potty training stage, remember...

4. This too shall pass. -Bree

Even during those times of success, there will be setbacks.  It's easy to become frustrated, but remember...this too shall pass.  It is just one stage in the child's life.  There are plenty of other stages that you will enjoy more than you ever imagined!

5. Ask yourself whether what you are upset about will be important in five years or even in five minutes. -Nancy

I try to remind myself of this often when something happens, such as spilling a 6 ounce bottle of expressed breastmilk!  At that moment my world just ended as I knew it.  Then the next thing happens and I don't even remember spilling that liquid gold.  Learn to let the little things go and give it the "Test of Five" before you act on it.

And last, but not least....

6. You’ll never look back and wish you held your baby less. -Christine

Never believe any of those comments about spoiling your baby by holding them too much. Soon enough they won't want to cuddle and it's true, you will never look back and wish you held your child less.  You will wish you held them even more.


Trevor and Jezebel, I sincerely wish you the best for your growing family.  The love you two share is just going to grow more and more each day as you guide your baby girl through this crazy thing we call life.  There will be difficult times.  There will be times that you feel like crying - and that is okay - CRY!  But I promise you, the laughter and love that you are going to experience is SO going to be worth every second of it.  I'm looking forward to capturing memories for your growing family in the years to come.

To read the complete article with 21 words of advice for new parents, check out:

What are some words of advice that you'd like to give to the soon-to-be-parents?  Feel free to leave a comment below.


A Tale of Two Terrific Models

I LOVE FALL!  I LOVE HALLOWEEN!  As September and October inched closer and closer, I could not get those two things off my mind and I had a gazillion ideas running through my mind about a fall and/or Halloween photography mini-sessions!  I researched and I brainstormed for weeks.  Finally, it hit me like a ton of bricks - I should have a Fall/Halloween mini-session in three towns over a weekend in limited quantities. 

Now that I had a plan, I still had a lot of preparation in putting it all together.  I had to find a "set-up."  I envisioned hay bales, mums, pumpkins, possibly a scarecrow and maybe a few other items...and LEAVES!  Leaves are a must if you are going to have a fall mini-session, even if you live in Central Texas!  I climbed into the attic and scoured through the storage shed to see what decorations we had.  I made a list of items that I needed and went shopping.

The set-up was complete after a quick shopping trip.  I think it actually took me longer to dig through what I already had at the house!  Next, I needed to put together a flyer, but before I could do that I needed to find two models.  Typically I just use my own kids for these things, but they just don't give me the excitement anymore for some reason.  I thought and thought about who I could use and then I had another revelation!  I could do a model call to find some terrific models with fresh faces that would actually be excited to be in front of the camera! 

The ad I used to find my two terrific models.

The ad I used to find my two terrific models.

I posted this ad in two places.  I posted it on my business Facebook page and I also posted it in the Limestone County Sway N Shop Facebook page.  I received several inquiries and was only going to take the first two children that met the requirements.  The children had to be a certain age.  I wanted kids between the ages of 3 and 6, as they are generally able to concentrate for the amount of time I needed them to and they are just plain fun to work with.  Another requirement was that they had to be able to have a cute costume by mid-September for the modeling session.  The final requirement was a signed model contract and a $25 deposit to secure the modeling session that would be returned to the parents in the form as a credit to use towards prints from the session.

The first two models that met all three of these requirements were....Miss Dani and Miss Genesis! 

Meet Miss Dani

Meet Miss Dani

Meet MIss Genesis

Meet MIss Genesis

Miss Dani's modeling session was first!  She bounced out of the car and was so excited to have her picture taken (or at least I'd like to think that was why she was so excited).  She had the cutest curls in her hair with a gorgeous blue princess dress.  She was the blue Cinderella :)  She cooperated so well and did everything I asked.  You can tell that she felt so incredibly beautiful in that adorable dress.

Blue Cinderella

Blue Cinderella

Dani also brought a candy corn dress to wear for some of her photos.  This dress was way adorable!  It came with a necklace and head band that coordinated with the dress.  Again, you could tell that Dani felt so beautiful wearing that dress! 

Dani feeling pretty in her candy corn dress!

Dani feeling pretty in her candy corn dress!

The second model was MIss Genesis and she arrived just as excited as Dani.  She hopped out of the vehicle wearing an adorable cheetah costume complete with beautiful curls and whiskers painted on her face!  Genesis also cooperated so well and did everything that was asked of her.  She looked so stunning in her costume and again, you could tell that she felt like the cutest little cheetah EVER!

Genesis the cheetah

Genesis the cheetah

During the session with Genesis she posed a variety of ways and we were able to get some great shots.  When I began looking at the images on my computer one photo in particular caught my attention.  It was an ordinary image of a beautiful girl standing on a bale of hay in the park.  The more I looked at it, I realized that it would make a beautiful creative image for fall.  I decided to turn it into one of my Signature Edits. 

Fall Signature Edit

Fall Signature Edit

Photography is my cake :)  Signature Edits are like my cake with a TON of frosting!  I start with a beautiful image that for whatever reason makes me wonder, "I wonder what this would look like with..."  I start putting the vision together piece by piece.  Signature Edits take a great deal of patience and time to put together.  It is not uncommon to spend over two hours working on a Signature Edit.

With the help of these two terrific models and their parents, I was able to put together an ad that I love to advertise our upcoming Fall/Halloween mini-sessions.  I pre-released the details to my newsletter subscribers for early bookings.  I have limited sessions - 3 in Buffalo, 3 in Groesbeck, and 6 in Waco during the weekend of October 17th and 18th.  Due to the pre-release, 3 of the sessions are already booked so far!  The public release of the mini-session will be October 1st. 

Fall/Halloween mini-session ad

Fall/Halloween mini-session ad

Sadie...the Senior Rep from Mart!

This is the first year for Smith Family Photography to have a Senior Representative Program.  Three high school seniors were chosen after careful consideration of their applications.  We chose seniors that were very involved in their school, community, and other hobbies or areas of interest.  It was difficult to choose, but in the end we could only choose three.  One of the senior reps (the only girl in the group) is Sadie from Mart, Texas. 

Each of the senior reps are rewarded for their time in assisting us with our advertising needs with cash incentives, product discounts, and freebies.  They each receive two sessions - a mini session and a full session.  The mini-sessions took place during the summer to ensure that their marketing items would be ready for the first day of their senior year.  The full session must be complete by November 1st, 2015.  This gives them plenty of time to show off their portraits.

The first senior rep to schedule the full session was Miss Sadie.  She is always a pleasure to work with!  She is truly beautiful inside and out. 

Sadie's magazine cover

Sadie's magazine cover

Sadie sent me a Facebook message and told me that she found the perfect spot for her senior pictures.  She loved the area at the bridge on Thompson Road in Mart, Texas.  I did not know what bridge she was talking about, but I was dying to find out what made this bridge so perfect.  My husband and I drove out to the bridge and we immediately knew why she chose this particular location - it was gorgeous!  The bridge was on a nicely groomed gravel road with large trees making a tunnel over the bridge.  Absolutely stunning and so peaceful!

Sadie had plenty of ideas of her own and according to her mom, Sadie LOVES to be photographed!  I believe mom because Sadie is so natural and comfortable in front of the camera.  She is so much fun to photograph!   

The bridge on Thompson Road in Mart, Texas is a great location for portraits!

The bridge on Thompson Road in Mart, Texas is a great location for portraits!

When I take senior portraits I prefer them to show a lot of personality.  Sometimes that involves some props if they want their session to be centered around a specific interest, such as football or softball.  Other times the session has very few props included.  It all depends on the type of portraits that the senior is wanting at that particular session.  As you can tell from the magazine article, Sadie's first session was focused on softball since she enjoys that sport.  However, this session was focused on her and her beautiful personality.  I brought two items to use as props - a suitcase and a vintage orange chair. 

Sadie using a vintage suitcase as a seat.

Sadie using a vintage suitcase as a seat.

Sadie using the vintage orange chair during her session

Sadie using the vintage orange chair during her session

We took several photographs on this bridge and then I suggested that we take some photographs at a nearby field that I've been longing to use for a session.  Sadie was up for taking more photographs! 

We arrived at the field just as the sun was going down and the light that was bouncing across the field was amazing!  We took several photographs in this beautiful location with gorgeous lighting and I had an idea for a pose using the vintage orange chair.  I asked my husband to get the chair out of the Suburban (aka Reliable Roger) for us and he brought us the suitcase!  I politely told him that we didn't need the suitcase, but we did need the chair.  He told us that we did not need the chair.  By the look on his face I knew that the chair was in trouble!  I asked him if my favorite chair was broken and he replied that it was in fact broken.  It was a sad moment in my life.  The photograph above is the last photograph for my favorite vintage orange chair.  So...if you have a similar chair, I am interested in purchasing it.

The sunset casted beautiful colors across the field

The sunset casted beautiful colors across the field

Sadie in the field with a Mart water tower in the background

Sadie in the field with a Mart water tower in the background

After we took several photographs in the field with the amazing sunset, we went back to the bridge for one last portrait.  I really wanted to get a photograph of her laying down on the bridge, but did not want her to be dirty from the gravel road for any remaining shots.  I have a feeling that we could have kept on taking photographs if the sun didn't set!

The last photograph of Sadie's session

The last photograph of Sadie's session

If you are interested in investing in senior portraits, you can always book directly through me or you can go through Sadie and receive extra savings! 
